Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.XX-C Public Beta 0.04 [RELEASED]
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Finally, users will be able to play certain games via adhoc with PSP CFW 6.XX-C Public Beta 0.04.

Quote:The following game are supported at the moment .

The revision (0.04) is currently undergoing public beta tests with 10 confirmed compatible

Titles So Far:
Tekken 6
God Eater
Gods Eater Burst
Mod Nation Racers
Untold Legends – Brotherhood of the Blade
Untold Legends – The Warriors Code
Virtua Tennis 3
Pangya Fantasy Golf
Blood Bowl
Worms Open Warfare 2
Worms Battle Islands

  • Known Issues

Enabling the UPNP Library when UPNP isn't available freezes PSP at times.
Solution: Enable UPNP in your Router or remove the UPNP library (pspnet_miniupnc.prx) from the /kd Subfolder (don't forget to DMZ your PSP if you do this).


Beta 0.04 [R26]
- Added PRO Online Home Menu
- Added Keyphrase Chat Support

Beta 0.03 [R25]
- Added VSH Exit Binding to Home Button]
- Added Offline Adhoc Mode (move WLAN Switch into Off-Position before starting Game to enable Offline Adhoc, On-Position on Game-Start enables Online-Mode)

Beta 0.02 [R24]
- Fixed Regression Bug for Mod Nation Racers
- Added Support for Tekken 6 [ULUS-10466]

Beta 0.01 [R21]
- Initial Support for 10 Titles


Note: PSP 1000 (aka FAT) isn’t compatible at the moment. You’ll need a PSP 2000, 3000 or Go.
Street hasn’t got WiFi so it will be never compatible.

CFW PRO 6.XX Nightly Build MUST be installed on your PSP. No matter 6.20, 6.39 or 6.60.

PRO Online Client Pack: depending on what firmware you are on, download the matching one for: 6.20; 6.39; or 6.60.

How to install the PRO Online Client Tutorial: http://forum.prometheus.uk.to/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=14


6.20-C Beta 0.04
6.35-C Beta 0.04
6.39-C Beta 0.04
6.60-C Beta 0.04
i thought coldbird closed the source?

Coldbird Wrote:I'm sorry but for consistency reasons... and to keep bug reports under control, PRO Online will remain closed source for the time being.

So no, you can't create your own server. The server.txt file is there to make switching between the public and my debug server easier (for internal testing purposes of mine, so that I don't disturb normal players with server reboots, etc).

Opening things at this stage would be a disaster I fear, as it's simply not ready for that in any way... bugs would spring because server hosts fudge up and people would - no doubt - report them to me giving me extra trouble for bugs that are none to begin with.
get peace walker support and you might see me using this.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]get peace walker support and you might see me using this.

Huh I guess, I'll remove the Source then.

My support with what?
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]get peace walker support and you might see me using this.

Huh I guess, I'll remove the Source then.

My support with what?

I meant the game...

If Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker gets support for this adhoc-online firmware, ill probs start using it.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]get peace walker support and you might see me using this.

Huh I guess, I'll remove the Source then.

My support with what?

I meant the game...

If Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker gets support for this adhoc-online firmware, ill probs start using it.


Ah.... Hell yeah. Peace Walker is my top PSP game. I would so chance my 2WIRE Router for another one if that happens.
And Monster Hunter Portable 3 support too
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