Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS Vita System Software Update (v1.65)
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Changed info with Wiki info.

-[Notification Alert] has been added to [Settings], allowing users to toggle alerts on and off.
-[After 10 Minutes] has been added to time options under [Power Save Settings].
-An Arrow icon will now display when PS Vita finds new activities in the LiveArea.
-Caps Lock is now supported in the On Screen Keyboard.
-Addition of installation progress bar for downloaded games and DLC.
-minis with a pre-set expiry date (i.e. those obtained via PlayStation Plus) now load correctly.
I have updated. I have a list of don't likes... Have to vent, lol.

No PSOne support, no themes, no comics, no visualizations, a lot of PSP games still not supported, no HTML5/Flash, no bug fixes for the browser and opening Facebook, fixing of random freezing when shutting down, no ability to organize photos and videos on the memory card with albums, no removal of Welcome Park app, no Skype, Bluetooth switching on bug not fixed, and lastly being able to use the DPad to move around.
well i like the welcome park app, it also has a trophy support, hehehe

anyways yeah caps lock can now be use on on screen keyboard, yeah, lol
Sony better not start fudgeing with their customers now. Those who have bought the Vita are likely loyal Playstation fans (like myself) and do expect to see some of the capabilities that OMightyBuggy has listed above and the Vita is more than capable of handling them.

They need to get their asses into gear and I'd rather not have these silly minor updates in the mean time if it's only going to frustrate.
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]no skype

it totally has skype....
lol and now sony totally screwed, sony pulled out the firmware update due to bugs, hehehe its good im not yet updated, hehehe
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]
OMightyBuggy Wrote: [ -> ]no skype

it totally has skype....

It does? Where? I have the USA 3G/WIFI model and no Skype not even in the PS Store.
I got USA Wi-fi Version. No Skype here.
I'd be very happy if they removed the wallpaper compression.
Skype is an app you can download im sure.

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