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Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]
 You seem to really love the muv-luv series assassinator, which reminds me that I need to get around to reading/playing it on my computer


You can read some reviews of it from different parties here...
Ixrec (Amaterasu translations) - http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/blog/?p=333
Moogy (TLWiki) - http://tsukuru.info/b/?p=696
Takajun (Yandere translations) - http://yandere.gray7.com/?p=620

Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]
it's been sitting there for quite sometime because VN's are not something I can so easily pick up... :/ 

VNs are :effort: to read?  Yeah, sort of.  Well, compared to anime at least.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]VNs are :effort: to read?  Yeah, sort of.  Well, compared to anime at least.

VNs :effort:? lol
Kuu Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]VNs are :effort: to read?  Yeah, sort of.  Well, compared to anime at least.

VNs :effort:? lol

:something: is the emoticon of something.  eg. :facepalm: turns into Facepalm.  Except effort doesn't have an emoticon (I should go make one), so use your imagination.  More or less, VNs take lots of effort to read.

As for the statement itself, well, VNs are typically much longer than anime/manga, so a lot more effort comparatively.
Yeah was aim at statement. Back when I read VNs they didn't take effort, not as much as a novel anyways.
I thought there was going to be a remake of Nichijou at some point [question mark - keyboard broken here]

I guess I'll stick with this one
Source: YouTube
Well here's my list:

Tari Tari *
La storia della Arcana Famiglia *
Binbou-gami ga! *
Natsuyuki Rendezvous ****
Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! **
Joshiraku ***
Kokoro Connect **

Number of asterisks represents anticipation level.
Hmm... and I thought I wouldn't have anything new to watch this summer:

Sword Art Online
Arve Rezzle
Yuru Yuri (season 2)
Hagure Yuusha no Estetica

And maybe, "Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!"
my current plan :

kokoro connect
sword art online
rinne no lagrange secod
chitose get you
I have a lot to add to my list.

Right off the bat, Dog Days didn't need a sequel. But I will watch it anyways.
I'm going to wait out on this season and probably look into it after it's over.
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