26/03/2012, 03:27 AM
I need your help people.
I got strange issues(like always) with my PC Sata ports , i have 2 different cables.
I tried to look in google like always , but i couldnt find any visual comparition , wich i need.
Those 2 cables are suposed to be the same but the hard drive connected with the 1st one(cable) goes crazy , unstable , and corrupts itself constantly , lucky the HDD is still surviving.
Here are the two cables , i hope you guys help identify what's the difference , If there is:
The faulty one :
The good one ! NOTE:the imge i took is bad but you can see the cable is flat...
Anyway im gonna look for new cable and install then my second hard drive.
But i wish to know if there is some diference between them.....
I got strange issues(like always) with my PC Sata ports , i have 2 different cables.
I tried to look in google like always , but i couldnt find any visual comparition , wich i need.
Those 2 cables are suposed to be the same but the hard drive connected with the 1st one(cable) goes crazy , unstable , and corrupts itself constantly , lucky the HDD is still surviving.
Here are the two cables , i hope you guys help identify what's the difference , If there is:
The faulty one :
The good one ! NOTE:the imge i took is bad but you can see the cable is flat...
Anyway im gonna look for new cable and install then my second hard drive.
But i wish to know if there is some diference between them.....