Endless Paradigm

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I need your help people.
I got strange issues(like always) with my PC Sata ports , i have 2 different cables.
I tried to look in google like always , but i couldnt find any visual comparition , wich i need.
Those 2 cables are suposed to be the same but the hard drive connected with the 1st one(cable) goes crazy , unstable , and corrupts itself constantly , lucky the HDD is still surviving.

Here are the two cables , i hope you guys help identify what's the difference , If there is:

The faulty one :


The good one ! NOTE:the imge i took is bad but you can see the cable is flat...


Anyway im gonna look for new cable and install then my second hard drive.
But i wish to know if there is some diference between them.....
the cables has nothing to do what type of cable it is.
If you know the crazy one is a SATA one just get a new one, they're only about £1.
I'm no expert but it seems there's nothing wrong, from the outside. Maybe internally the wires are damaged or some thing.

Just get another one. As PB said, they're pretty cheap.
Could be internal damage on the cable. They are both the same cable (maybe different brand, can't tell from the pic). Replace it and see what happens.
YEs the best option is to buy new cable and to try it.
Im scared that  the motherboard might have the second channel damaged.

I might go for a mobo damage , 4 months ago i had this cable running with my old PC
for almost 4 years and i didnt had a single problem.....
And this new old setup was never used with second SATA , and its working also many years.
Its a strange asus board(p5vd2-mx) with jmicron raid , but i don't use it. heh and win7 uncompatible.
When i put it on , the OS became very slow and choppy , apart that it has resources to run it smooth.

If you've switched to/from AHCI mode, I've heard Windows handles the transition problematically.
^ Didn't notice anything on mine when I switched to AHCI.

yeah AHCI on mine runs fine too, switched when i got an SSD.
This motherboard i have is about 5 years old , plus i updated to the lastest BIOS and troubles started. And ahci i didnt even knew it was there , and it is but im not sure that it was ON or not.
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