Endless Paradigm

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xBu Wrote: [ -> ]This topic isn't about Nukez, its about our >.< girly way of talking...

Lunar-chan Adore
Exploding Penguins..... Endless Pinkies.... Eat Popcorn.... Easy Pick..... Earth Pony.... Exponential Problem.... Excited Pencil.....

I could go on all day.
jammz Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]300nukez, 13-17yo girly bitch.  100% personal and mostly emo.  I knew it!

Better than my blog.
http://www.urlai.com/url/silver-tie.tumblr.com Wrote:Text analysis
silver-tie.tumblr.com is probably written by a male somewhere between 66-100 years old. The writing style is personal and upset most of the time.

I am a cantankerous, whiny old man, apparently. Shazbot.

I tried it and it said:

URLAI Wrote:silver-tie.tumblr.com is probably written by a female somewhere between 13-17 years old. The writing style is personal and happy most of the time.

Okaaay, that's odd.
Although, when I first did it, it could only see like 4 posts, so that might explain it. Now it sees like, 7.

I should make a post filled with hateful old-man words to trigger the URLAI and make me a cantankerous old man again.
Silvertie, I've had a look and you posted about ponies!
[Image: vOvWT.png]

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