Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Sketch] Karen Araragi
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Pages: 1 2 3
Great work man
@ SkyDX, Take whatever pic you have and flip it upside down, draw it like that.
You can also cover up the pic with another piece of paper. Then, pull up your top paper to reveal about an inch of the bottom of the reference picture.
Draw only what you see, then pull up the paper another inch and draw that, keep doing that till you finish >.< its a beginner exercise, Develops seeing ability lol, its forces you to see lines shape, spaces, not the object as a whole.

@ jammz, sure
Thanks everyone.
erm, small update. It was less than an hour but what do you think?

[Image: UXOSC.png]
What are you trying to do?
It's because he just just did a sketch om my Sketch lol
It usually goes from sketch then you make it all nice and pretty(lineart) then you color it >.<
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]@ SkyDX, Take whatever pic you have and flip it upside down, draw it like that.
You can also cover up the pic with another piece of paper. Then, pull up your top paper to reveal about an inch of the bottom of the reference picture.
Draw only what you see, then pull up the paper another inch and draw that, keep doing that till you finish >.< its a beginner exercise, Develops seeing ability lol, its forces you to see lines shape, spaces, not the object as a whole.
Whoa I see, I didn't know about that trick, thanks that sounds helpful! :D Now let's see what I can make out of it Hihi
Found this, A better explanation on what i was talking about >.<
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]Found this, A better explanation on what i was talking about >.<

Wow thanks that's even more helpful! Yay
Cleaning Madwin
Nice work there.

[Image: karen-clean_version.png]
Pages: 1 2 3
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