Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSVeeter V0.2b
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[Image: psveeter.jpg]

A tool for viewing/deleting your backed up Playstation Vita content (via Content Manager Assistant).

Quote:What can it do at the moment?

1)Playstation Minis
2)Playstation Portable & Save Games
3)Playstation Vita Games & Apps

•Delete Individually via Right clicking name
•Shows the Title, the Playstation ID Code and the Size of the Game/App
•Automatically retrieve the path to your Vita Directory from Registry
•If Sony’s Content Manager Assistant is not installed or set up, you can specify a directory to use

Known Issues:
•Has trouble deleting item if Icon is in use by windows explorer.  You can rememdy this by either restarting your PC or Explorer.exe (Windows Issue)

Coming Soon (Todo List)
•Add more details from the local SFO file to the information box  on the right.  Ie./  Tech details.
•Maybe add Web information retrieved from gaming sites or just links to product pages

Update V0.2b:
•MONO Compatible!!  – Using Mono will allow Mac OSX users and Linux users to run PSVeeter!

To use in MacOSX or Linux simply install the MONO framework
then run by either terminal ‘mono PSVeeter.exe’ or using the included shell script!

•Overhauled Loading (Should be quicker)
•Overhauled Deleting (Should work in 99% of cases now, unless Explorer has locked a directory)
•Will not repeatedly ask for a directory everytime, it now stores the selected Directory (PSVeeter.ini).  This prevents MacOSX and Linux users from going insane :)
•Added in support for newer SFO Files (Should recognise more games now)
•Corrected my Size handler
•‘Collapse All’ button now toggles to ‘Expand All’
•Loading/Splash/About Screens
•Started adding in Language support (Should be ready for 0.3)

* Requires .Net 4.0

PsVeeter Zip
Source - PsVeeter

So surely this does what the Vita does as standard?
i.e. view and delete games.
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