Endless Paradigm

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well for some reason i though of this in the shower, i was uploading my boss's website to his domain name with ftp server filezilla the other day, and i though of different things that ftp should stand for. the first thought on my mind was fudge the police and then for some reason i though OMFG! you should be able to upload like a 15sec(for size issues) excerpt from a song to your profile so when someone checks out your profile they hear something from your favorite song, obvioulsy something without cuss words but that's the main idea
a little myspacey :[
no offense
yeah i know it hit me like minutes after i thought up of it, but eh i don't care though i don't like myspace anyways.
Lol, interesting idea.  The main issue would be using the end user's bandwidth if it played automatically.  Could be done for when a user clicks a link, but then, who really goes through people's profiles?  I must say, it's an interesting but somewhat odd idea.  Could perhaps implement it into the left-side user details in posts (would have to be a "click here to hear user's sound" link).

Thanks for the idea.
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