Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Google translate plugin
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Avast is coming with safeZone feature and inside is chrome browser used.
Just tried to turn off all extension on FF but Flash , and it still pops up.

Edit : the flash plugin is the cause , when i turn it off , no more translate.
the flash came bundle inside the recovery disk i have , so i really didnt check it at install.
I couldnt , and i did some updates also , so i gues it sneaked inside.

Now i have to find out how to remove it ...the flash.
Google translate is blocked on my computer.... school reasons.
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]Google translate is blocked on my computer.... school reasons.

well that's a nice setup you have.
Weird that recovery disk is including it, but then, OEM software has been known to contain spyware...
Oh well , its like a bundle , it install everything (crapware) of the manufacturer when the windows install is finished.

Edit : uninstaled flash and now its gone. later may reinstall flash manually to see if it appear again.

EDIT2 : yes it is there again , i did deep research on the problem and i found out that the site i was visiting
implement this plugin in it.

The website has the plugin, not my PC. well i freaked  out on this.
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