Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sony Mod Fix.660
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I do not remember if i release this theme conversion or not
so i will post it here,this is the conversion i did for this theme for 660.

hope you guys like it:

Sony Mod Fix.660
[Image: 86ad19e1346708616ed5537b60073ee0b21512b8...5e545g.jpg]
thank to the original theme maker Vegetano1
Just Downloaded, looks awesome :) great work :)

Look I'm a total noob at this so I'm just gonna ask.... what's a this theme conversion thing?
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]Look I'm a total noob at this so I'm just gonna ask.... what's a this theme conversion thing?

Is when you take someones Theme made
for another firmware and make it or rebuild
for it to work on another firmware in this case
i converted a theme made only for 620 to 639
and made a conversion for 660 firmware.
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ]Look I'm a total noob at this so I'm just gonna ask.... what's a this theme conversion thing?

He converted the original Theme to work with firmware version 6.60.

The differences of code inside each version makes themes not work unless theyve been converted. Im not to keen on the exact details of converting since Im stilla noob at this myself, but Id guess that you have to move some things, add somethings, and delete things to the files inside each theme/
.... I... I don't understand... I'm not good with computers all that well.
13thprotector Wrote: [ -> ].... I... I don't understand... I'm not good with computers all that well.

Im really bad at explaining things :( plus Im still a noob myself at custom themes lol so I ahvent even seen the inside of the files yet.

wish I could help more though :(
Yes wee both are, but themes for what?
I only have a DSi.
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