Endless Paradigm

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Read this in the newspaper in the morning:

Quote:A 17-page document given to staff at online moderator oDesk tells them to delete ‘obvious sexual activity, even if naked parts are hidden from view’, a former worker has revealed.
But guidelines give the go-ahead to ‘deep flesh wounds’, ‘excessive blood’ and ‘crushed heads, limbs, etc – as long as no insides are showing’.
The rules are used by oDesk to scrutinise photographs, text and videos that have been flagged by one of  Facebook’s 850million users.
The former employee passed the guidelines to US website Gawker  after claiming he received a ‘humiliating’ 63p ($1) per hour for screening photographs.
In it, staff are told images of ‘urine, faeces, vomit, semen and ear wax’ are eXx1l3d but images of ‘snot’ are  allowed – as are ‘cartoon faeces, urine and spit’.
Depictions of illegal drug taking should also be deleted but marijuana is OK as long as it does not depict selling, buying or growing, moderators are told.
And although racist comments of any kind are to be eXx1l3d, ‘humour overrules hate speech, unless slurs are used or humour is not evident’.
Facebook said third party companies, with staff often based in developing countries, were hired to provide quick ‘precursory classification’ for the millions of reports it receives  every day.
A spokesman said: ‘These contractors are subject to rigorous quality controls and wee have implemented several layers of safeguards to protect the data of those using our service.’

From here: http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/891010-faceb...-to-nudity
Quote:Yes to gore, No to Nudity
I'd say that's basically how the US' censorship/ratings system works.
Okay to have a lot of violence in your films, but no sex. (for those interested, check out the documentary film This Film Is Not Yet Rated)

Sometimes, I think it may be more beneficial to society if it were the other way around.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Sometimes, I think it may be more beneficial to society if it were the other way around.

I've always leaned towards that rational.

Sex is normal and done everyday, a crushed head is not normal.
The saying make love not war doesn't really stick with the gun loving country of americas.
Sex is a major thing in the world, though if some people go overboard with it. I still think it should be censored, at least the nudity and sexual actions, children shouldn't be going off and doing it all the time and I don't think it'd be right to  expose them to it.

Violence is just as bad, I don't think kids should be watching that either, though there are times when violence is inevitable wee should know how to actually use it correctly. There are plenty of "gangsters" who randomly attack people with the worst type of fighting(can't even throw a punch without throwing out their backs) and are easily overpowered. Though people who can't defend themselves will surely fall.
I think you may be a bit too influenced by how the US works.
Over in Australia, violence really isn't a problem in the majority of places IMO.  I run around random streets at night and never fear anyone beating me up or similar.
And a lot of our movies/games come from the US, so wee get exposed to the same violence etc.

I personally don't think it's necessarily bad to tell kids about sex.  You just need to explain to them what they should and shouldn't do about it.  In fact, kids probably know a lot more than their parents may think they do, so it might be better to hear advice from an informed adult rather than rely on rumours spread amongst friends.

It's just that sex is treated as such a taboo subject...
It shouldn't be censored. Parents need to do a better job of explaining to their kids what sex and other stuff is. Too many people in my area don't' bother to properly explain to their kids how and sex works and wee got a bunch of pregnant girls having kids before graduating from High School.
I've heard of Sex Education in the US. Shame they don't do it here, or anywhere else I can think of.
The world is rapidly changing and wee are also becoming overpopulated.
suggested wars have been speculated throughout the world, extremists are pulling out all the stops to get what they want, wether it be from any country, wee are going to have something happen. I don't mean expose children to violence at their 0-5 learning years, I mean to prepare them and show them to be able to know about it but to have restraint.
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