Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The NEW Windows 8 Logo
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Pages: 1 2
I, for one, welcome our new monochrome logo overlords.
trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]wee'll leave the fancy layout to the macs. remember with windows its what's underneath all that which counts

But Windows has DOS underneath and OS X has UNIX underneath.

which has been reduced to another crappy consumer friendly OS (I'm not an unix user so don't start a technorant with me please Whyowhy)
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I, for one, welcome our new monochrome logo overlords.

I sort of disagree. Apple KEPT it's, erm... apple ever since I could remember (it's only about 13 years) but changing something that the WORLD knows is mad

or if you're me, completely and utterly mad!
Not a very creative logo...but it'll do pig.
I like it, almost like a fresh start. But I miss the red, green, blue, yellow.
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