Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Mac vs Windows vs Linux vs, erm...
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Have nothing again Linux (I run Android after all).
But Windows will always be my man.
Mac can burn in the firey hell it deserves.
Since I don't have time for PC games anymore, Mac is for me...I went nothing but Linux for 8 months, but Photoshop CS1 sucked balls in the crappy environment that it required to run on linux...and currently my 13" MacBook pro has beat out the newest HP Desktops and Dell laptops that wee buy at work in PCMark 2007...and not just by a little..I'm talking over 1000 points more when I dual booted to Windows!
SchmilK Wrote: [ -> ]currently my 13" MacBook pro has beat out the newest HP Desktops and Dell laptops that wee buy at work in PCMark 2007

Performance laptops vs business and consumer preform much differently.

You can find many Asus and lenovo laptops that cost the same as a macbook and out perform it. And can dual-boot Mac as well thanks to some hackery.
Ive got a lenovo now, and I got to say, its a pretty nice machine. Very solidly built and runs cool and quiet. After a bit of work with my init scripts, its booting slackware in just under 12 seconds. Windows 7 takes 23 seconds. And idling in Slack uses ~330mb of ram total, while Win7 takes up ~1.95gb. The extra resources required to run wine for steam and photoshop put Slack typically working at around 33%cpu and .9-1.5gb ram, but doing the same things in Windows maxes out everything and gets laggy. Plus, I really hate how in windows, you either have to buy or 'borrow' software for pretty much any basic task. I got so used to just having good apps in linux, I was in no way prepared for how much money in post-install software id have to drop. Really, the only value in Windows is in the third-party software written for it. The OS itself is a piece of poo poo.

OS X I have no issue with. I've never used it extensively, but I do like that its still got the UNIX core at its heart, and that you can install X11 on top of it as well as pretty much anything that will build on a POSIX-compliant system. Plus, its got UNIX at its heart, so stuff like ssh is a part of its system. I like it when my OS has a terminal that can actually DO something, not just file operations.
Windows still my OS of choice.

I hadn't had the chance to use Mac OS X up until recently and I can see why people like it. It's not for me though I'm sure I could get used to it.

The chances of me trying Mac OS X are pretty slim. Not being bothered to set up a Hackintosh and refusing to pay for overpriced hardware being the cause of this.

I've lived with Linux before and do work with it on a day-to-day basis with web hosts and my VPS.. I do love how flexible it is and it's perfect for server usage. For home usage though, it doesn't work with my tendency to have games on the machine and some of my program preferences. Plus native beats emulated any day.

Overall though, the program availability in combination with stability and performance and imo the best looking OS out-of-the-box which has resulted in having not much of a reason to change from default - Microsoft made a winner and it's not hard to love it. Windows 7 is brilliant.
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