Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Heeeeeeeeeeeelp!! ( T-T )
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Hi guys! well i been working on some stuff
like learning to convert Ps3 to Psp, yes crazy
idea but it seems this theme call Dragon X
got my attention and i did something with it
but got somethings:

well i Recycle my Icons looks ok.
Main icons are change.
theme and game infobar change.
theme has no PMF yet.
and neem help on many things that
i am new with how to add sounds?
how to add diferent color top bar on
Music and USB??

I'll give a preview,so you can help me XD

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5654]

New issue:
opening_plugin.prx sound Problem
is simple: I Do not know how to make one!!!!! (T-T)
So you want to add click sounds ?
And the color bars are , should be inside the RCO for usb should sysconfig
and for the music . try inside the music.........rco.

just theoretical , didnt check rcos in much time.

Ohh and the click sounds are in the system_plug....rco
I like it
Well you going to love it bazz
cause is not finish i still need to do
many things with it,wait release date!
Hahaha new Problem!!!
Now for the painful part
guys not sure if you can help me
but i am having issues in the color selection area
it seens i have the normal color and some tranparent
ones that appear and i don't have any idea on how to fix it
any clues?
did you mess with PAF or VSHMAIN.prx ?
Actualy i did! but if is in them
i am not sure witch one to modified
by the way New Pain in the $%^ Problem
i want to add a custom sound to opening_plugin.prx
but i try making my own and follow a bunch of tutorial
but nothing can seem to do it right every time i try it.

Wav format
16 bit rate
4 seconds long
i need to converted to at3 format

try everything even Gold wave Program
to turn the wav file to at3 or something like that nothing.
Any ideas anyone?
have you tried using the sound recorder on your pc? All you'd have to do is open the .wav file in sound recorder... go to save as then click all formats then add .at3 at the end of your new file (xxx.wav --» xxx.at3) by the way this all assuming you have the atrac3 codec or sonys NetMD/SonicStage software on your computer
For the at3 sounds , i remember for sure  that i made at3 on windows 7 even on 64 bits pc , Zinga helped me register the codec.
The system was not installing the codec properly and Gold Wave was not showing option to save as an at3 , after the magic fix of zinga it was done.

JV if you do a nice research in the forum old posts for sure you will find the post , with the solution.
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