Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Man Dies After 10 Hours Straight of Online Gaming
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League of Legends = ?
World of Warcraft = Must've been fighting Chuck Norris

But who would pay for 23 hours of gaming at an internet cafe in the first place? On a Monday/Tuesday (Delete as appropriate). I get all the factors but even though you have a heart condition and problems, you shouldn't be playing Warcraft/League of Legends (Delete as appropriate) without resting.
jammz Wrote: [ -> ]League of Legends = ?
World of Warcraft = Must've been fighting Chuck Norris

But who would pay for 23 hours of gaming at an internet cafe in the first place? On a Monday/Tuesday (Delete as appropriate). I get all the factors but even though you have a heart condition and problems, you shouldn't be playing Warcraft/League of Legends (Delete as appropriate) without resting.

League of Legends is a i think a DoTA (Defense of The Ancients) or HON (Heroes of Newerth) spin off. its F2P and the game can be addicting but it has no story line. each "champion" has a lore or story to them. And the fact that this scrub didnt hit the FF(forfeit) and take a break, kinda scares me.
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