Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] GOW - Ghost of Sparta Dynamic Theme
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GOW - Ghost of Sparta Dynamic Theme

[Image: 9ztwll.jpg]

Spoiler for Animated Preview - 56k Warning!:
[Image: 2enb9r4.gif]
* The actual animation is smoother than this preview!

Here is my latest dynamic theme for PSP and it is finally ready for release.  
I have not had much free time lately, so it took me much longer to put the finishing touches on this than I planned.  None the less, it is in it's final form and ready for the public.

Sorry this is a 6.39 only release.  Maybe JV will be kind enough to do proper converts for peeps on other firmwares...  (Update: 6.60 version uploaded by jvhellraiser)

- download .ctf directly to THEME Folder
- download enabler added to xmb
- all icons even for PSP Go! and all regions
- custom infobar
- custom music visualizers
- lots of animations
- much more!

-Bootsound, volume and other tid bits from:  5.00 GOW theme
-osk: vegetano1
-icons: ps3 GOW theme (I changed them slightly)
-click sounds from:  Schmilk's SchiDeLoaDeR Theme
-m33, GEN, PRO, and ME cfw makers
-ZiNgA - rcoMage, rcoEdit and EP
-v1, schmilk, patpat, poison, jv, and everyone else who contributes t the PSP theme scene

Also, I just want to make a small note that this will be the last PSP theme I release for a bit.  
I have decided to take some time to make/release some dynamic PS3 themes. (Of course I will share them here at EP)

A LOT of work went into this, I hope you enjoy it!  
As always, comments are appreciated - for better or worse!

As usual, simply giving us the best from the rest themes!

Thanks Shizzy!
Its out already , come and take some of this cake people!
That looks pretty damn nice.

Good work Mr. Shizzy!
wow nice thanks Madwin

and here I converted to 6.60

Download  (not tested)
The theme looks Sick!!
Not bad Mate,not bad at all!!

Here Mate:
GOW Dynamic Theme [660]

Namana i believe your conversion
has  common_gui issues. i have fix that.
thanks almost there buddy!
Nicely done - looks pretty awesome :)
Very impressive.
Thanks guys!  And a big thanks to jvhellraiser for the proper convert  Madwin

And thanks to Namana for making an early attempt at a convert   Yay
i really love GOW! Thank mr shizzy! Gracias jvhellraiser!
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