Here just in case someone wants it , i made a gameboot from Transformers , with good quality video.
Also making the trailer like cintro , but it gonna take long to upload 16 MB .
Cintro of the trailer :
Thanks.. nice gameboot :):)
can u make another one?
scene where ironhide is dodging all those missiles from devastator.
Lol i think you passed the 3 seconds , if its larger then 3 secs it don't show on your PSP.
i guess it was around u think that's the main reason?
The PSP only shows 72 frames for a gameboot, so cut it down to that and it should work.
Then something else is screwing it up. Are you following a guide for converting it, if so which one? Also are you using PMFfix after you make the gameboot, and have you tested the PMF with something else to make sure it shows properly?
Also if you want more help with this then it might be a better idea to make a new thread in the PSP Help section, so wee don't hijack gsmoke's thread. Maybe a mod could split these posts from this thread and move them to a new thread over there.