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Full Version: Spring 2012 Anime Lineup
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Keep in mind that it's still early, so stuff could (will) be missing and/or incorrect.

Source: http://neregate.com/blog/2011/12/23/spring-2012-anime/
[Image: neregate.com-Spring-2012-Anime-v4.png]

Source: http://www.moetron.com/2012/01/08/spring...-schedule/
[Image: i70RqqpyS5WHh.jpg]

Source: http://atxpieces.wordpress.com/2012/03/01/spring-v3/
[Image: spring-anime-v3-mar11.jpg]
Second season of Fate/Zero and Kore wa Zombie. Welp, I know what I'll be seeing
Oh no, not this soon! Only just getting started with this season! xD
Sankarea and Medaka Box are personally recommended by me. :)
Haha. i was listening to the Fate/Stay opening when the top image loaded...

there some really interesting ones for spring so far
At this point, I haven't decided.
2nd season of Korean Zombie must be a completely different story since the first season pretty much finished that story...
There is another villain, apparently he was revealed in the first season, can't quite remember.

Also, obligatory PV

Source: YouTube
Chopin's Nocturne playing in the background!
gonna watch Medaka Box (full of double you tee eff moments Madwin)

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?: Jigoku Hen Adore

Shining Hearts (ahoho an anime adaptation might as well try this one :3 )

what the! Sankarea gonna have an anime series (hmmmm )
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