Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Plugin] XMB Icon Manager for 6.xx
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Developer Plum has ported the XMB Icon Manager Plugin, originally by Total_Noob, for the new 6.XX CFWs and HENs.
What does XMBIM do? Total_Noob gave a little instruction:

Total_Noob Wrote:Do you have XMB options you never touched? Would you like to replace them with something useful? If yes, so XmbIconManager
is right for you. :grin:
This plugin allows you to edit the icon name to your desire and replace options with useful things like:
Load homebrews, updates, psx games and backups, or shutdown, suspend, reboot and restart VSH.

[Image: scaled.php?server=20&filename=downlo...res=medium]

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