11/01/2012, 01:08 PM
ok so hello world, its been a long time
hello to the newbies, and the old members
so I've been rather busy getting on with life, girlfriend, job, and hobbies, which have evolved from psp ps3 anime to ps3 fishing and surfing
recently i was sick and was up late watching adult swim and saw bleach, i always wanted to watch but didn't for some random reason
i decided i would dl the first season if i could find it, via torrents i found it and i set to downloading it, i know its licenced, etc, i usually buy stuff if i like it anyways, some of you guys have seen pictures of me showing off my purchases on random threads around the void
i had my internet disconnected during a race in GT5 and called cox and was told to delete the file and my sharing program, I'm on a mac so i use transmission
I'm not about to delete my torrents and transmission, as i use it frequently to keep up with naruto and other shows overseas, like top gear
I've had my sense of internet security a bit broken, i know that isp's can check up on what you download etc... but to be 1 strike down on their new 3 strike policy, i feel insecure and know not what to do
i imagine using private trackers like demonoid ought to keep them off my ass but i don't know
anyways lets discuss!
I'm no longer a mod so if a mod sees this is in the wrong place please move!
hello to the newbies, and the old members
so I've been rather busy getting on with life, girlfriend, job, and hobbies, which have evolved from psp ps3 anime to ps3 fishing and surfing
recently i was sick and was up late watching adult swim and saw bleach, i always wanted to watch but didn't for some random reason
i decided i would dl the first season if i could find it, via torrents i found it and i set to downloading it, i know its licenced, etc, i usually buy stuff if i like it anyways, some of you guys have seen pictures of me showing off my purchases on random threads around the void
i had my internet disconnected during a race in GT5 and called cox and was told to delete the file and my sharing program, I'm on a mac so i use transmission
I'm not about to delete my torrents and transmission, as i use it frequently to keep up with naruto and other shows overseas, like top gear
I've had my sense of internet security a bit broken, i know that isp's can check up on what you download etc... but to be 1 strike down on their new 3 strike policy, i feel insecure and know not what to do
i imagine using private trackers like demonoid ought to keep them off my ass but i don't know
anyways lets discuss!
I'm no longer a mod so if a mod sees this is in the wrong place please move!