Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]@Vacui☆Natale,
Why so serious? Im not the only male interested in those stuff.
There's a Pervert within us.
I know... lol. Boys will be boys, I guess :P
I sorta took that ^^ from you.

Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Np Davis. :)
Woot minecraft is awesome
Does anyone have any news on season two cause' I'm clueless

Wingedwolfz60 Wrote: [ -> ]Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Np Davis. :)
Woot minecraft is awesome 
Does anyone have any news on season two cause' I'm clueless 
Doesn't look there's going to be one anytime soon. But if you're interested in it, then read the manga.
Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]@Vacui☆Natale,
Why so serious? Im not the only male interested in those stuff.
There's a Pervert within us.
I know... lol. Boys will be boys, I guess :P
Im male and you know what i would rather it have less boobs infact no nudity what soever would make this anime even don't get me wrong i like girls and im a boob man myself but these animes really don't need anything like that

^ you sure? the show seems predominantly based on fanservice.
Yeah, without any fanservice Freezing would be CRAP