Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Freezing Season 2 RELEASED!!
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Wher i can watch the first episode ?
PerfectAssasin Wrote: [ -> ]Wher i can watch the first episode ?

Not out yet.
anyoane know when the first episod will be release?
PerfectAssasin Wrote: [ -> ]anyoane know when the first episod will be release?

Confusion here. My bad for assuming but Peace Walkers bad for calling a new manga prequel a new "season".

There is no confirmed second season of Freezing despite the supposed cliffhanger.

What is being referred to in this thread is new Freezing manga.
I hope its gonna be out soon, i really liked it T_T
I'll watch it for completeness, but paper clothing really isn't my thing.
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Fudge it, As long as they have Fighting but most importantly Boobs and Juicy Asses, I'll still like it. [Image: 2321571845.gif]

Seriously? -_-
Vacui☆Natale Wrote: [ -> ]
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]Fudge it, As long as they have Fighting but most importantly Boobs and Juicy Asses, I'll still like it. [Image: 2321571845.gif]

Seriously? -_-

Apparently so Hihi
Who resurrected this?

Anyways, Im very sorry to those that got exited as I when I saw this Prequel. I actually thought it was a Season 2.

My Bad, and again, Very sorry for your excitement going to waste.

Why so serious? Im not the only male interested in those stuff.

There's a Pervert within us.
Peace Walker Wrote: [ -> ]@Vacui☆Natale,
Why so serious? Im not the only male interested in those stuff.

There's a Pervert within us.

I know... lol.  Boys will be boys, I guess :P
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