Endless Paradigm

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Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]
carpinttas Wrote: [ -> ]
SunnyAutumn Wrote: [ -> ]I dislike big breasts. I dunno why, but I don't consider them attractive.
The poo poo you get in anime or from dirty models, yeah that's not nice! But well, there's one certain pair of breasts that are my favorite


when they can't make it better.... they make it 3D
lunarįƒ¦ Wrote: [ -> ]
Funnybutrandom Wrote: [ -> ]
carpinttas Wrote: [ -> ]
SunnyAutumn Wrote: [ -> ]I dislike big breasts. I dunno why, but I don't consider them attractive.
The poo poo you get in anime or from dirty models, yeah that's not nice! But well, there's one certain pair of breasts that are my favorite


2D > 3D > RealD :D

as in, 3D better than real life? xD
[Image: 7498138.jpg]
Ok, this thread is getting scary.  I mean the 2D vs 3D shit.

You guys should stop.
Wee want moar boobs! Itchingsmile
carpinttas Wrote: [ -> ]Wee want moar boobs! Itchingsmile
( * )( * )
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