28/12/2011, 11:30 AM

[PSP HOMEBREW] The Devil Line
The purpose of the game is to stop the progressive coloring of the screen in the space between two white lines placed on the screen.
You can use:
- X
Tested on
- PSP 3004__5.03 prometheus-4
- PSP GO__6.20 PRO-B10
To install the game simply unzip the archive and copy the folder "The_Devil_Line" in
"X: \ PSP \ GAME" where "X" mean the letter of your psp memory from your pc.
Download Link : http://taketheball.altervista.org/The_Devil_Line.rar
[PSP TOOL] SaveGame_Saver
This tool allow you to do a backup of your savedata files (SAVEDATA FOLDER),and restore it, when you want.
Tested on
- PSP 3004__5.03 prometheus-4
- PSP GO__6.20 PRO-B10
To install the game simply unzip the archive and copy the folder "SaveGame_Saver" in
"X: \ PSP \ GAME" where "X" mean the letter of your psp memory from your pc.
Download Link : http://taketheball.altervista.org/SaveGame_Saver.rar
visit my website : http://www.taketheball.altervista.org/
or my you tube channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/FedeBiondi94?feature=guide
for other psp game/tool