Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Christmas Anime theme! (Update 2) 639/660
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[Image: attachment.php?aid=5626]



I Would like to thank the following People
for making the release of this theme possible:

For helping me fixing the dock (thanks gsmoke)
Custom busy icon (thanks to junKie!)
Gameboot skip function (thanks to TSENEDA!)
Custom sounds & main icons for the dock (thanks to sal000)
Thanks to patpat's for his CTF Tool GUI (thanks)
Thank to every person's that made RCOedit & PRXeditor (Thanks)
thank to the guys that made possible CTf gui tool to work for 660 (Thanks)

And Me added:
*Change battery Color (by jvhellraiser)
*Change Circle Snow falling  to Snowflakes falling (by jvhellraiser)
*made the Christmas Dock (by jvhellraiser)
*made Orb icon's (by jvhellraiser)

well hope you guys like it,have a wonderful Christmas!!

Update 2
Fix brightness Issue on BG,Thanks to Shizzy
Added Sal000 font,now font look a bit bigger.
manage to fix icons disappearing & add normal Dock.
Well there is no need to thanks , its christmass , and ohh im not so proud of my bits in this!
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]Well there is no need to thanks , its christmass , and ohh im not so proud of my bits in this!

Well i fix them as much as posible they look good
but could have look way better with some edge smooth
but as you already know i have no idea on how to do that on

Wow - This looks fantastic!  You have really outdone yourself jv !!    2thumbs

Thanks for your hard work on this, as well as everyone else who pitched in to make it happen.
This looks beautiful!  MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Yay
jv is awesome.thanks for this. merry christmas!
Merry Christmas. :) W00t!
Good job jv glad I could help.

...video preview?
I don't make themes, but one would think that it may help to build themes with multiple versions in mind?
I guess PRXes need some offset translation tool, if one exists.  RCOs, you can have conditional items in the XML if you use it through a scripting engine.
Super Hero Solar-kun Wrote: [ -> ]I don't make themes, but one would think that it may help to build themes with multiple versions in mind?
I guess PRXes need some offset translation tool, if one exists.  RCOs, you can have conditional items in the XML if you use it through a scripting engine.

this how it is,if you on 639 you can go to 660 and theme
will be OK,but you can't go from 639 to 620 cause for some
reason the conversion is never right and everything is out of place.
to make worse i am not on 620 anymore So i can't fix 620 version
unless someone on 620 tested and show me a screenshot where the
problem is.

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /var/www/endlessparadigm/forum/inc/highlighter.php(1007) : regexp code on line 4

Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /var/www/endlessparadigm/forum/inc/highlighter.php(1007) : regexp code on line 2
Depends on the differences between the firmwares.
For example, with RCOs, you could dump the XMLs from both firmwares and perform a diff on these XMLs to see what's changed, then create a script which incorporates these differences.
Sample PHP:

PHP Code:
<Rcofile ...>
<?php if(PSP_VERSION == 6.60): ?>
<!-- this image only appears on 6.60 -->
<Image ...>
<?php endif; ?>

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