Endless Paradigm

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This is the new trailer shown at E3 only a couple of minutes ago. It's in full English, and all footage in the trailer is rendered using the in-game engine. The game was also confirmed to be PS3 exclusive with a worldwide release date of early 2008.
damnit looks awesome...

can't wait to play it
very nice
jesus that was sweet as hell, I'm so happy everything's made using the game's engine, i ran it from my ps3 on my tv and it looks... so... damned... beautiful...!
It looks like Liquid Ocelot has pissed quite a few people off, eh?
i must be real i was squirming in my seat after watching the vid, I'm a little disappointed though, idk if its just me or the voice actor for vamp doesn't sound like phil la marr, idk but i would just prefer all the voice actor to be the originals n stuff
I dunno, I thought it sounded the same as MGS2...
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