Endless Paradigm

Full Version: (NEWS) Day-1 Hello World, the PS Vita already hacked?
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Uh Hoho Question wasn't the PSP N-E1000 Hacked? As far as Piracy heres my thing. If I can't afford it I'm gonna download then in the future if i can i will buy it.

Then Again That's Me.
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]If I can't afford it I'm gonna download then in the future if i can i will buy it.

Wee both know that's never gonna happen.
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Lol, hack thread becomes piracy debate.

Anyway, all consoles have been hacked so far, and I'm doubting the Vita will be any different, especially considering the potential of its powerful hardware for low cost.
Awesome news! thought I'm starting to have my doubts on whether its good for the psp - vita scene to be hackable. Wee should really not do so much pirating anymore. it really affects everyone in the long run. but I guess it will happen anyway. I fully support 3rd party software on the vita though. hopefully sony will allow more people to submit applications and games like they have been with the psp as of late. basically what I want to say is that, I hope that the vita will have more quality titles and less piracy, it will be better for everyone if there is.
If this is true, then Sony, you messed up. About the piracy, if it's relatively easy to load pirated games, then there's no stopping it. If this real, then a bunch of developers are now just as scared of the Vita as they were of the PSP.
Problem is, what other system to develop for?
Pretty much every other console is hacked - maybe not the 3DS (fully), and maybe some hope in the Wii-U (though considering Nintendo's history, I doubt it'll last long), but if you actually think piracy is an issue, you're screwed either way.
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