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ok junKie any sigh of the light animations for the Dock?
How you think this animation shoudl be made .... i made a simple wip with photoshop ....
What i understood , images are too big , they could be made smaller with rcomage but i suggest doing them before using in rco.
Less memory will be eaten by the images wich are a like 16 if you use all of them.
ill make smaller sized , and just for fun ill make system_plugin_fg to see if it works and im not so rusty.
Well for now you JV tell me or show me the best way to make the lights /where ??

try to put some around the dock
and the other try to make them
medium size and some do them smaller
so they can mix around the sky.

look awesome! ^^v

something like this:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=5635]
looks really good!
i tried and end up in many errors
don't know how to fix them.... for now im done.

HEre are gims30x30 for someone who wants to try!
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]looks really good!
i tried and end up in many errors
don't know how to fix them.... for now im done.

HEre are gims30x30 for someone who wants to try!

where ma i suppose to add this gims?
if its and Rco witch one? thanks.
Hmm its not so easy .. here what my xml looks like , i can't see what's wrong...
RCOmage give my on the animation load to nothing , and i can't see the images at all.

EDIT : And this is only example of the animation , only for red color..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!-- This XML representation of an RCO structure was generated by Rcomage v1.1.0 -->
<RcoFile UMDFlag="0" rcomageXmlVer="1.1" type="psp" minFirmwareVer="1.5">
	<MainTree name="system_plugin_bg">
			<Image name="green.gim" src="Images\green.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="green1.gim" src="Images\green1.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="green2.gim" src="Images\green2.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="green3.gim" src="Images\green3.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="red.gim" src="Images\red.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="red1.gim" src="Images\red1.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="red2.gim" src="Images\red2.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="red3.gim" src="Images\red3.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="violet.gim" src="Images\violet.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="violet1.gim" src="Images\violet1.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="violet2.gim" src="Images\violet2.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="violet3.gim" src="Images\violet3.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="yellow.gim" src="Images\yellow.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="yellow1.gim" src="Images\yellow1.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="yellow2.gim" src="Images\yellow2.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
		  <Image name="yellow3.gim" src="Images\yellow3.gim" format="gim" compression="zlib" />
			<Model name="mdl_bg" src="Models\mdl_bg.gmo" format="gmo" compression="zlib" unknownByte="0" />
			<Page name="page_lights" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="anim:Lighting" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing">
				<Plane name="redlight0" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="1" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="30" height="29" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:Lighting" image="image:red.gim" unknownInt18="0xffff"></Plane>
			  <Plane name="redlight" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="1" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="30" height="30" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:Lighting" image="image:red3.gim" unknownInt18="0xffff"></Plane>
			  <Plane name="redlight1" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="1" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="30" height="29" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:Lighting" image="image:red1.gim" unknownInt18="0xffff"></Plane>
			  <Plane name="redlight2" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="1" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="30" height="29" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="anim:Lighting" image="image:red2.gim" unknownInt18="0xffff"></Plane>
			<Page name="page_default_theme" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="nothing" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing">
				<Plane name="default_theme_plane" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="480" height="272" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
			<Page name="page_default_theme_3D" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="nothing" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing">
				<ModelObject name="default_theme_model" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="0" height="0" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="8.5" scaleHeight="8.5" elementScale="8.5" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="event:native:/page_default_theme_3D_onInit" model="model:mdl_bg"></ModelObject>
				<Group name="camera_target" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="0" height="0" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing"></Group>
			<Page name="page_default_theme2_3D" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="event:native:/page_default_theme2_3D_onInit" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing"></Page>
			<Page name="page_wallpaper_theme" unknownInt0="0x111" onInit="event:native:/page_wallpaper_theme_onInit" onCancel="nothing" onContextMenu="nothing" onActivate="nothing">
				<Plane name="wallpaper_theme_plane" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="1" greenScale="1" blueScale="1" alphaScale="1" width="0" height="0" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0xffff"></Plane>
				<Plane name="wallpaper_theme_cover" posX="0" posY="0" objectScale="0" redScale="0.6" greenScale="0.62" blueScale="0.7" alphaScale="0.85" width="480" height="272" posUnknown="0" scaleWidth="1" scaleHeight="1" elementScale="1" iconOffset="0x0" onLoad="nothing" image="nothing" unknownInt18="0x0"></Plane>
		  <Animation name="Lighting">
				<Recolour object="object:redlight0" duration="100" unknow1="0x0" red="1" green="1" blue="1" alpha="1" />
				<Delay time="500" />
				<Recolour object="object:redlight0" duration="100" unknow1="0x0" red="1" green="1" blue="1" alpha="0" />
				<Delay time="500" />
				<Recolour object="object:redlight1" duration="100" unknow1="0x0" red="1" green="1" blue="1" alpha="1" />
				<Delay time="500" />
				<Recolour object="object:redlight1" duration="100" unknow1="0x0" red="1" green="1" blue="1" alpha="0" />
				<Delay time="500" />
				<FireEvent event="anim:Lighting" />
			<Animation name="anim_camera_99">
				<MoveTo object="nothing" duration="500" unknownInt1="0x2" x="0" y="0" unknownFloat4="25" />
				<Delay time="500" />
			<Animation name="anim_camera_target_99">
				<Delay time="500" />

<Recolour object="object:redlight0" duration="100" unknown1="0x0" red="1" green="1" blue="1" alpha="1" />

I believed you missed the 'n' in unknown lol
Also, i would go with <Fade> instead of <Recolour> ;)

Make sure everything is aligned correctly, because you don't.
And i don't think it's necessary to make a <Page></Page> for the images.

What errors(?) does RCOMage give you?

And sorry, my PC broke and idk when I'll have back up.
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