Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Japanese Vs English dubs
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There are some subs I'll watch
and if I start watching a show in english, I'll usually finish it in english

but some dubs are bad
real bad
so sometimes I don't even bother
why take the risk if I can guarantee a consistent quality all the time
aside from that I like to think that anime/story telling in general is an art
and I would like to preserve this art to be as close to the original as possible so that I don't miss anything and get the full experience the author intended (sometimes dubs change the meaning of a situation dramatically because the words that need to be said won't sync with the lips)
Slushba132 Wrote: [ -> ]There are some subs I'll watch
and if I start watching a show in english, I'll usually finish it in english

but some dubs are bad
real bad
so sometimes I don't even bother
why take the risk if I can guarantee a consistent quality all the time
aside from that I like to think that anime/story telling in general is an art
and I would like to preserve this art to be as close to the original as possible so that I don't miss anything and get the full experience the author intended (sometimes dubs change the meaning of a situation dramatically because the words that need to be said won't sync with the lips)

I think it could also be the case that people can't tell whether japanese voice acting is bad because they don't understand the language, I mean there's entirely different ways in pronouncing things, therefore you can't discern bad from good.

This applies to higher level voice acting, like my persona 4 evaluation, I felt the characters were talking a bit too slow, but if I didn't know english, I wouldn't be able to tell if that's the right or wrong way. As you can see this on a higher level of understanding so it rules out the OBVIOUS sounding bad voices (like monotone voices, random noises, etc).
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]This applies to higher level voice acting, like my persona 4 evaluation, I felt the characters were talking a bit too slow, but if I didn't know english, I wouldn't be able to tell if that's the right or wrong way. As you can see this on a higher level of understanding so it rules out the OBVIOUS sounding bad voices (like monotone voices, random noises, etc).

They aren't bad at all. For a video game the voice acting is good. You should try hearing the Japanese version of that game...it makes me appreciate the english version even more. (Yosuke sounds like a 40 year old and Teddie is even more annoying. Very generic voice acting imo)
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