Quote:In order to curb rampant pc game piracy, developer Croteam purposefully included a bug (hee) in Serious Sam 3: BFE that trips when the game has been cracked. The bug (I said it again!) spawn a pleasantly-pink, positively unkillable scorpion creature that will hound the player until he or she is dead, dead, dead. To give the pirate a fighting chance, the spawn point is right next to the game's first projectile weapon. It won't have any effect, of course, but you'll briefly feel better.
While not a particularly effective means of combating piracy, the giant immortal pink scorpion is a fun way to catch those masquerading as legitimate customers in places like GameFaqs.
Thanks for the entertainment, Croteam!
Ohh cool , now i need the GOD mode of the game and will be like fighting with the big robot kind goat in Doom.
Non-stop action for hour and all sweat on my seat.
Actually I like how they did something similar in love+ where it made it so that all the girls hated you. ^ ^
Quote:Actually I like how they did something similar in love+ where it made it so that all the girls hated you. ^ ^
How cruel but so funny XD
Heh, I'm going to pirate this game.
I like it.
Croteam are officially bros, in my book.
Mirror's Edge did this, too, I believe - third level, if you pirated the game, you would find yourself slowing down to below walking pace. Needless to say, in a game about jumping from rooftop to rooftop at high speed, this makes the game unplayable. However, DICE don't get the bro award, because they flubbed it and it affected legitimate customers, and they're general dicks for their part in making Battlefield Heroes.
Just wait a while, pirates will be able to come up with a way to make it not appear.
Apparently its hard coded into the game. It can probably be patched, but not without breaking core aspects of the game, and the only reason this activates is because the unique meta-data gets changed with a patch / crack. Hell it might take them a month or so to find a workaround, but that's long enough that nobody can enjoy playing the game. My bet is it takes them just long enough to hold off the initial wave of piracy / frustrate pirates enough to force people to buy the game. And i checked, and i havent found a patch for this. Croteam possibly put this in a core file somewhere.
Either way, i hope most newer games take this route of fudgeing spoon up if you pirate it. Especially because this is a better alternative to DRM since it doesn't screw over legitimate customers.
O_o That thing is really scary.