Endless Paradigm

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Texts From

[Image: ben.jpg]
^^ Bennett ^^

This maybe the funniest thing I have come across in a long while, it's just classic! A train wreck that keeps you wanting more...

Bennett's Cousin Wrote:These are text messages I exchange with my 17 year old cousin Bennett. He is a white boy that thinks he's a Crip, works at Amoco, has a girlfriend named Mercedes, and is one of the most unintentionally funny and brilliant souls on the planet.

He has no idea I do this blog. Yes, this is 100% real.
[Image: tumblr_lvkd5ghXe41qk9nrro1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_luvvnsbpyn1qk9nrro1_500.png]

Blog src = [textsfrombennett.tumblr]
very funny

ahhhh so many lols

Keeping it real!!
Rofl in the house,. ;p

Madwin Bennett is Madwin
Bennett's so hardcore, people get "Bennett Life" tattoo'd across their shoulders, instead of "Thug Life".
This is hilariously awesome.
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