This is a little something I whipped up in about 15-20 minutes. I've been recently sucked into minecraft and have had a graphics block(haha get it?). I've seen that some people are trying to revive some graphics stuff, so I hope this aids in the cause. So, without further ado, I give you A Minecraft Christmas!
Comments would be appreciated. Some of the stuff I sprited myself(the hat, the presents) and most of it is taken from minecraft. So yeah.

Make him look like santa,.. put on a red shirt
Hehe, nice one Rawrsor :D
CODElowNAME Wrote: [ -> ]Make him look like santa,.. put on a red shirt
But that would take away the steve shirt! D:
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Hehe, nice one Rawrsor :D
Thanks :D I was bored so I did this :L
P.S. I want my username thingy changed to 'Let it snow' without quotes please. :D
lol, I was just playing this, nice sig ~_~
the graphics do need to return here... problem is wee've failed to do that many times already so whether wee'll ever have a steady thing going again is debatable... nice sig though rawrsor...
andrewcc Wrote: [ -> ]the graphics do need to return here... problem is wee've failed to do that many times already so whether wee'll ever have a steady thing going again is debatable...
Completely depends on activity. Also I don't like to think Cy's effort, followed by my own, to keep things organized a waste. Everything's ready for any activity - just not enough people doing stuff. (That said,Fractal Insanity had a graphics festival of their own and wee're planning our 7th - so there's new stuff always bubbling behind the scenes.)
Ooh A new festival? I'll be in :D
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Ooh A new festival? I'll be in :D
You're not in DreamArts lol. Go poke Grey Ghost if you want your team to do another one.
Oh. Mebbe wee can have a universal one.