Endless Paradigm

Full Version: TecHnO!VIkiNg!
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Pages: 1 2
Do you Guys ever heard of the TechnoViking?! If you did heard of him well I didnt :D just sharing :))))

lol double you tee eff is this?! the ending is funny
bazz Wrote: [ -> ]lol double you tee eff is this?! the ending is funny

hahah xD I know Right!!!!! So funny!!!! Hilarious Hahaha
I don't get the end D:
The same monster as my friend Eslavius!
Remind me of him.



In all seriousness, it IS a bit old, but a loop of that bit where he just struts along, set to assorted pieces of music never gets old.
Erk LOL.! he Looks like a Crazy man!
"so what do you do in your spare time?"

"oh you know, the usual, hang out, work on cars, dance shirtless down the street in Germany leading a crowd of crazy looking people"
Pages: 1 2
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