Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Void 2011
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Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]Knock-knock sorry if i missed you!

I guess its because I don't hang around here as much as I used to... Kantoi

Its okay! Some of us still remember you! Adore
Davis Wrote: [ -> ]
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]Knock-knock sorry if i missed you!

I guess its because I don't hang around here as much as I used to... Kantoi

Its okay! Some of us still remember you! Adore



Source: YouTube
Damit I hate making people sad or left out.
I'm going to go through this hole threadz and add anyone that was left out. (Just as soon az I replenish my tummy with capn crunch....
Derpity derp.
[Image: THEVOID40.jpg]
Now THAT'S a family pic.  Very weird, dysfunctional family...
300nukez Wrote: [ -> ]Derpity derp.
[Image: THEVOID40.jpg]

You forgot to update it with my new Yamada avatar Why do you hate me??!
Hmm I guess even eku likes my doodle...
ok bro ill change it just give me a sec I'm nuking my toiletz...
mmm.... sexy derpz... :3
[Image: THEVOID50.jpg]
for the record bro I don't hate you I think your smart, cool and funny when your not an anuz to me.
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