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family photo time!!! [click to expand]

sorry if i missed you!
I came in here hoping for some sort of "miss america" type thing.
* S7* 's eyes fall out of their sockets
oh wow how nice... just one big happy family

*wipes sweat off forehead*
I love all of you!!
PS. I'm not gay.
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]"WHEW"
*wipes sweat off forehead*
-_- damn beer... I have bad memory seriously...
I would have been happy to add you in there i just kept running out of room
I for one am glad to not be included in that image.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]I for one am glad to not be included in that image.
Lol your rei all you did was change your avatar just now.
I would never forget a person like you bro.
That is not the avatar I had, Rei is pure.
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