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Having problems with converting CTF themes over to 6.60.
jvhellraiser told me how he does it, but I seem to have problems scrambling, and descrambling the theme's prx files.

The option comes up on my screen, and when I hit descramble on them. Nothing happens?
I have to CTF Tool GUI Beta 5.2 just like he said, I've did the patching just like he said.
And, I'm still coming up empty..

Any advice, or help?
TheGreatChaos Wrote: [ -> ]Having problems with converting CTF themes over to 6.60.
jvhellraiser told me how he does it, but I seem to have problems scrambling, and descrambling the theme's prx files.

The option comes up on my screen, and when I hit descramble on them. Nothing happens?
I have to CTF Tool GUI Beta 5.2 just like he said, I've did the patching just like he said.
And, I'm still coming up empty..

Any advice, or help?

Hmm. You should try this tutorial of sal000:
Let me know when you're done with it, ok :)
Xlasher Wrote: [ -> ]
TheGreatChaos Wrote: [ -> ]Having problems with converting CTF themes over to 6.60.
jvhellraiser told me how he does it, but I seem to have problems scrambling, and descrambling the theme's prx files.

The option comes up on my screen, and when I hit descramble on them. Nothing happens?
I have to CTF Tool GUI Beta 5.2 just like he said, I've did the patching just like he said.
And, I'm still coming up empty..

Any advice, or help?

Hmm. You should try this tutorial of sal000:
Let me know when you're done with it, ok :)

I've attempted it as sal000's tutorial instructed also. I came up with nothing. As I've stated. When I right click to descramble the PRX files. Nothing happens, I don't get the .bin files as in stated in sal000's tutorial nor as jvhellraiser told me to do either.

As of now I'm fully frustrated. Because there are alot of themes on previous CFW that I'm sure myself, and many other 6.60 CFW users would like to have.
Hi Again! ok first you take 500 or 550 or 620
converted to 639 first,then open it or extract theme
usually themes once extract it they have:


Lets enter VSH folder
there you will see 2 more folders.


Ok so Rco are Already Converted to 6.39
No need to touch them unless you have
problems with some of them.

Ps. You will!

Ok Enter module Folder there you will see Prx files
not all of them can be descramble float so the ones
that they don't give you bin files or the give you bin
file but they can't be Scramble float to 660 they will
be replace with 660 prx files. (Same one)

sysconf_plugin.prx (639) ≤ this one will give you a Bin file
but when you try to Scramble float it won't happen so then
you will be replacing it with the 660 sysconf_plugin.prx.

Ok now the other ones the ones that can be Descramble float
will give you a bin file that you will be able to Scramble float to
the 660 Prx files.

Ps.All Descramble Prx will be replace with 660 Prx.

iam wondering how much Ram you have?
i have 1gb and CTF Gui tool won't give me
any problems.

After you finish just pack the theme and
check with your psp if Psp has any Problem
with it and fix issues. Pm me if you need Any help!

Ps. Descrambling and Scrambling take time
if CTF gui tool says if descrambling wait for it
to finish. thought this should not take more than
15 minutes.
jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Again! ok first you take 500 or 550 or 620
converted to 639 first,then open it or extract theme
usually themes once extract it they have:


Lets enter VSH folder
there you will see 2 more folders.


Ok so Rco are Already Converted to 6.39
No need to touch them unless you have
problems with some of them.

Ps. You will!

Ok Enter module Folder there you will see Prx files
not all of them can be descramble float so the ones
that they don't give you bin files or the give you bin
file but they can't be Scramble float to 660 they will
be replace with 660 prx files. (Same one)

sysconf_plugin.prx (639) ≤ this one will give you a Bin file
but when you try to Scramble float it won't happen so then
you will be replacing it with the 660 sysconf_plugin.prx.

Ok now the other ones the ones that can be Descramble float
will give you a bin file that you will be able to Scramble float to
the 660 Prx files.

Ps.All Descramble Prx will be replace with 660 Prx.

iam wondering how much Ram you have?
i have 1gb and CTF Gui tool won't give me
any problems.

After you finish just pack the theme and
check with your psp if Psp has any Problem
with it and fix issues. Pm me if you need Any help!

Ps. Descrambling and Scrambling take time
if CTF gui tool says if descrambling wait for it
to finish. thought this should not take more than
15 minutes.

I have 2GB of RAM, but my CPU still sucks. I've been working on it for years as my project. So, its not always correct. But, I followed your last directions, and I got somewhere so I thought. I had the descramble opinion when I right clicked, but it didn't do anything. Then, it stopped appearing.

That's the only problem I'm having right now. I don't know if its my CPU being a pocky to me, or the CTF GUI Tool I downloaded.
I doubt your hardware is the issue.
I've never used CTF Tool for converting stuff.  Does it use an external .exe for scrambling/descrambling?
If so try only using "simple paths" (that is, put everything in a folder on the root of a drive, containing no spaces).
You can also try setting up a clean install of Windows in a VM, installing .NET Framework and see if it works in there.

I finally got the prx to descramble, and got .bin files for all of them, I deleted the .prx files, and only kept the .bin ones. I went to scramble them, and I keep getting the error "can't take order with C:\largeoriginalxmb\vsh\module\vshmain.prx", but that's not just that one.. its giving me that error for all of the .bin files that I select.

What am I doing wrong? Should I just try another theme?
Proper Aussie Wrote: [ -> ]I doubt your hardware is the issue.
I've never used CTF Tool for converting stuff.  Does it use an external .exe for scrambling/descrambling?
If so try only using "simple paths" (that is, put everything in a folder on the root of a drive, containing no spaces).
You can also try setting up a clean install of Windows in a VM, installing .NET Framework and see if it works in there.

Actually I'm on a duel boot of Windows 7 and Windows 8 Beta. I tried it on both then I went to my laptop that boots XP, and OS X, and tried. And, came up empty. But, with some turn of events I have got something started.
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