Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [release] dMONO v3 (6.XX) [beta 6 | 12/04]
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jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]Hi thanks for the icons kenzodragon!!
it help me alot,well Here it is DMONO.V3 660
thank for everyone that work and help to build
this theme,For the creator,for the ones that Fix it
for the ones that help with Icons thanks.

DMONO.V3 660

DMONO.V3 639 [Not Tested]

Use the font and the wave in the attachment [attachment=5608]
and remove "Account Management" text on PSN inside topmenu_plugin.rco
Use the font and the wave in the attachment
dMONOv3-extras.zip (Size: 72.4 KB / Downloads: 0)
and remove "Account Management" text on PSN inside topmenu_plugin.rco

Add extras to Theme remove Account management from topmenu_plugin.rco.
wheres the 6.35 loves
i need Someone test 620 and 635 and 639.

DMONO.V3F 620 [Not tested]

DMONO.V3F 635 [Not tested]

DMONO.V3F 639 [Not tested]

DMONO.V3F 660 [tested]
Submitted to deviantART (:
Thanks to you jvhellraiser!

Download on deviantART
you are very welcome some REP would be nice too XD
jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]you are very welcome some REP would be nice too XD

REPed you! XD
jvhellraiser Wrote: [ -> ]DMONO.V3F 620 [Not tested]
Missing the text for "Save Data" and "Game Sharing"
Missing text for everything but Browser, LF player (whatever the f- that is), and RSS.

I assume the missing text under PSN is on purpose?

Some of the selection also seem to be missing that... selection border that blinks above and below it. Also, there are some that seem to have a black font behind the white font, like that one behind "sens me".
OK I need more people to check the other themes
this is the reason i do not release themes for other firmwares
as i don't have 620 i can't test them myself.here i have everything
in 660 nothing missing,need someone to test 635 too.i believe 639
should be Ok. but the top_menu.rco plugin from 660 is the same as
the 620 has how can it be missing the save data.

Is that if i can't test i don't know what to fix
i just use CTF gui tool converted to 620 from 639.
So missing dialog is CTF gui tool fault.

I check Topmenu_Icon.RCO on 620
save data utility icon is there!!
Game sharing too!! Sens ME is there!!
and the Empty place you said is fill with and icon too.
not sure what the Problem.

I will downgrade and use pandora
if this theme works on 620
i am going to have a !@#$%^ fit
for making me go back to 620. XD
I guess there is a lack of memory @Emil_Irving. Do you use other plugins beside cxmb?
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