Endless Paradigm

Full Version: BlinkLED v1.1
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BlinkLED v1.1 [6.20 to 6.60 support]
Spoiler for description:
Author: yuh0q223

This plugin brings back the function that SONY removed in firmware 6.20 which was when you used WiFi the WiFi activity light would flash to let you know if the PSP is transferring data, but now when your using WiFi the activity light is just ON so you can't really tell if the device is transferring data or not.

Place BlinkLed into your seplugins folder, and add the address to your vsh & game text files.

(PSP)  ms0:/seplugins/BlinkLED.prx 1
(PSP GO)  ef0:/seplugins/BlinkLED.prx 1
[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg] [Image: originalsource.png]
[Image: scaled.php?server=831&filename=b...res=medium]

I swear sometimes I can't tell if somethings happening or if psp froze. : |

I swear sometimes I can't tell if somethings happening or if psp froze. : |

Yeah it's alot better this way. It gives you so much information by just flashing.
Sweet im happy with this.
It didn't really bother me that much but it was still messed up that they removed it so thank you for this.
so that's why it didn't blink anymore ( i thought it was broken silly me) but seriously why did SONY remove it
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