to finally get the chance to understand where all the talk that a lot of PSP hackers reference. I'm starting to go over machine language in one of my courses and I am ecstatic to find the terms that all those devs keep referring to, still a long ways to go though, university can be cool sometimes...
Oh yeah, computers are amazing, all the ingenuity that has gone into making these things is just breathtaking. I know I liked my computer throughout my life, but I never have got the chance to respect the work that went into these silicon pieces.
I have a wordpress blog, but I just love this EP blog so much that I frequently babble on it
I didn't get that feeling when I did my introductory to computer systems course >_>
Then again, I've dealt so much with computers that I don't exactly know where I've gotten my info from.
What, in particular, made sense the most?
And yeah, people think up amazing things - you'll find even more clever tricks people have come up with the more you delve into computer science.
You mean registers and opcodes and cache hits/misses and that stuff?
Proper Aussie Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't get that feeling when I did my introductory to computer systems course >_>
I didn't really either.
The 1st programming course was pretty awesome though.
Proper Aussie Wrote: [ -> ]I didn't get that feeling when I did my introductory to computer systems course >_>
Then again, I've dealt so much with computers that I don't exactly know where I've gotten my info from.
What, in particular, made sense the most?
And yeah, people think up amazing things - you'll find even more clever tricks people have come up with the more you delve into computer science.
Definitely the logic side of computer science, y'know with all the building circuits and proofs. Also I get what you mean by introductory courses not being that much engaging, I'm taking another introductory course which could also be called a joke (it's easy as hell and wee don't really do much but just talk about coding theory).
If I really need to pick out one part though is definitely propositional logic statements, they're REALLY handy in coding and building circuits. Though I still don't know much, this is something that I've seen as a recurring theme as I've been going through the craft.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]You mean registers and opcodes and cache hits/misses and that stuff?
Yeah, I'm doing a lab for it right now, it's really interesting. I'm just so glad that I'm ACTUALLY getting to the meat of systems after all this logical proofs and proofs by inductions, blah blah, etc.
Not that I'm saying it's useless of the sort, but working with paper really isn't all that fun nor interesting after the 100+ hours you've been doing it.
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm taking another introductory course which could also be called a joke (it's easy as hell and wee don't really do much but just talk about coding theory).
If you want to do some elective courses that are actually fun instead of :effort: and grind, I recommend you do the intro finance and economics courses. They're like extremely easy and awesome.
Especially economics, it's like drawing supply/demand curves and is like f
uck yeah. And then later year economics gets really complicated, and is like f
uck no.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]If you want to do some elective courses that are actually fun instead of :effort: and grind, I recommend you do the intro finance and economics courses. They're like extremely easy and awesome.
Yeah I've heard of that, but I'm pretty picky with those so called "GPA boosters," (GPA booster here implies that the course has little relevance to real application or little content to cover, basically I shell out money for the grade and not so much for the knowledge) if I really cared all that much for a number associated with my name I probably wouldn't be doing computer science and just go for med school/business/*insert making money job* here instead.
BUT if you're saying it's easy and awesome assassinator, I'll definitely look into that, I've always wanted to do something along the lines of business.
I wrote ass and then figured I should write the full name, abbreviations just don't work man... :P
Oh yeah, creative writing is the biggest GPA booster of all time, you literally get marks for actually summoning the courage
to go to lecture, I'm going because a friend was in the class too.
Yeah I just went full hypocrite, whatever
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh yeah, creative writing is the biggest GPA booster of all time, you literally get marks for actually summoning the courage to go to lecture, I'm going because a friend was in the class too.
Only if you're good at language and writing and stuff. If I go and do creative writing I'll get my donkey rolled and get a borderline pass or something.
If you're good at writing essays and stuff, most arts courses are pretty much just going to the lecture, write a couple of essays, do a speech maybe, that's it.
Really, I think arts on a whole is a joke. Hopefully there are no arts students here.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, I think arts on a whole is a joke. Hopefully there's no arts students here.
After all my courses, I agree with this statement.
Also I doubt that you would do poorly in writing things assassinator, if you're competent enough to write properly cohesive sentences (yeah yeah, that's really vague, but basically a sentence where "you get the point"), expressing your opinion in a somewhat elongated form shouldn't be a hard thing to master.
The biggest hurdle in writing something well is the drive to, which is what a lot of people lack, but that doesn't mean they're not competent enough. I assume you would fall into this area no?
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]Also I doubt that you would do poorly in writing things assassinator, if you're competent enough to write properly cohesive sentences (yeah yeah, that's really vague, but basically a sentence where "you get the point"), expressing your opinion in a somewhat elongated form shouldn't be a hard thing to master.
Actually 'creative' writing I probably wouldn't be too bad. But stuff like literature and Shakespeare and poetry analysis and whatever other s
hit I had to do back then I'm goddamn horrible at.
Ok lets look at results, for my yr12 scaled scores (realistically between around 30-100, can get over 100 on the 'hard' courses that gets scaled up), I got like 106 for physics (3rd highest in year group), around 95 for maths, 85 for chemistry, like 65 for English (65 is like below average).
But back then is like my glory days, I'm nowhere as good right now.
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]The biggest hurdle in writing something well is the drive to, which is what a lot of people lack, but that doesn't mean they're not competent enough. I assume you would fall into this area no?
About half correct.
Awesome! I was very discouraged in my computer science course in college that i never finished :(
First day of c++ class our professor was still traveling from India -_____-
When he did show up I asked him about making a dial up networking connection on the schools email only dialup network using winsocks to pass internet traffic *keep in mind this was 1996*
He wasn't sure what I was talking about when I said winsocks, he replied 'Do you mean Windows?'
After that, I was not interested. :(