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It's amazing the things people can do with redstone in Minecraft.
Pointless, really... yet absolutely brilliant.
That was pretty cool :O
why isn't our Ep world like this yet If
It takes a person who has WAY too much time on their hands. Or an expert crew who knows EVERYTHING about minecraft. :L

That was great but this video is awesome.
I think if you can program and wire something in 8-bit, it can be done in Minecraft. Or something. I'm sure someone made a computer that could hold 8 bits of memory. It took up several game chunks to build.
Very cool. However, I stopped messing with Minecraft b/c I don't like to play games online with people, (I don't do XBOX Live, PSN, or anything, just not into it.) and there's really no point to the game, aside from setting personal goals. So I just stopped.
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]It takes a person who has WAY too much time on their hands. Or an expert crew who knows EVERYTHING about minecraft. :L

also someone with programming and/or knowledge of electrical engineering, seeing as most of the redstone circuits revolve around logic gates.
eKusoshisut0 Wrote:[Minecraft] A game within a game
[Image: xzibithappy.jpg]
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