Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 11.11% off DealExtreme on 11/11/11
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If you're planning to buy a lot from DealExtreme, use coupon DXE1111 on 11/11/11 (GMT-6) for a bit of a discount.
If you don't know what to buy, here's some ideas.

Note, I've heard shipping can take ages.

I might get one of these:
[Image: sku_103208_1_small.jpg]

If you're like FBR under a lot of stress, here's something to help:
[Image: sku_10544_3_small.jpg]
Ooooh, money toilet paper!
Might be the worst toilet paper, but wiping your donkey with US$ has got to feel awesome.
Ha ha ha, boob stress orb.
Screw the boob-pad, use one of these:
[Image: sku_1858_1_small.jpg]

This will help me stay anonymous:
[Image: sku_90229_1_small.jpg]

Perfect gift for the "friend":
[Image: sku_8569_1_small.jpg]

Apparently these shoot water:
[Image: sku_10583_1_small.jpg]

Starting a roach farm?
[Image: sku_12643_1_small.jpg]

It's a pen holder:
[Image: sku_5388_1_small.jpg]
Apparently discount only for selected items.
Damn this sucks.
Oh well.
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