its been a while,being to busy lately
i was wondering if anyone knows
the RCO and the string that eliminates
the amount of MB that appear on game icon?
Memory Stick
Free Space [599 MB] ≤ That!
i can remove:
memory Stick and Free Space
but not the amount [ 599 mb]
i want to know how to remove this
Line,if anyone can help thanks in advance.
Well if i remember correctly , in the rco editor in sysconfig.rco you could add with Shift + Enter empty space , and this could
also move your MB text.
But thinking it twice get you a nice VSH Editor and edit the PAF or VSHMAIN there was i think also offset for this ???????
Well in 50% i can be right , but this is just sometihng i remember after 2 years not making a theme!
i won't be able to do anything unless i know the name
of the string,do you remember the name of it?
Take VSH EDITOR , its in the CTF GUI , and edit the paf , this line : Space Under Tex_Line aka move free space down.
Put sometihng like -300
Oh man yeah! that did it thank you so much
i learn a lot from that check your message.