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Full Version: Square Enix Spent Quite Some Time on the Panties in Final Fantasy: Type-0
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As reported by Andriasang, Final Fantasy: Type-0's lead character texture artist, Sayoko Hoshino, has made a pretty impressive effort to add an extra layer to Japan's recently released PSP action-RPG. And by "extra layer," I mean that her and her team have rendered unique panty textures for each of the game's many female characters, because this is 2011 and wee're living in the "next gen."

First noted on Square Enix​'s official "Creator's Message" blog, and later translated by Andriasang, Hoshino shed a bit of light on the evolution and implementation of, er, the game's many pairs of panties, which pretty much equates to giving us gamers a bit more to gander at, as most of the game is played from a third-person perspective.

Feel free to peruse the game's panties below, if you have some time to kill or if it's just kind of a slow day, but be warned: there are apparently some story spoilers down there, so browse with caution.

[Image: 49487p1hdd.jpg]

[Image: 49485p2hd.jpg]

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If I'm correct, the characters are in training to become soldiers. Meaning they're going to into battle wearing skirts.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]If I'm correct, the characters are in training to become soldiers. Meaning they're going to into battle wearing skirts.

right Hahaha
All that's missing now is breast physics.
Goshi Wrote: [ -> ]All that's missing now is breast physics.

mgs peace walker had breast physics, twas win.
Looking on ebay for my copy right now.

Who puts that much thought into a game,Damn Asians
Sayoko Hoshino, pictured right, [Image: 23hb5.jpg]
was in charge of character texturing on Final Fantasy Type-0. For her contribution to Square Enix's ongoing "Creator's Message" series at the game's official blog, Hoshino decided to share details about her work on the game's panties

Originally, the game was set to have black voids for the insides of the characters' skirts. This decision was made due to the system's specs limiting the amount of resources they could devote to the characters. However, the staff felt that because players would spend most of their time viewing the backs of the characters, the feeling of excitement would be much greater if there was more than just a black void inside the skirts.

As you might expect, adding in the panties wasn't a straightforward task. First off, the characters' legs were directly connected to the skirt, so there was actually little space for the panties. However, Hoshino feels that she and her staff were able to bring out uniqueness for each character.

Hoshino went character by character detailing the panties and undergarments,  Hahaha
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Meaning they're going to into battle wearing skirts.
+ Speed (as opposed to armour)
Everyone knows speed is the most important stat in FF, short of getting 100% evade.

They should remove the panties too for more +speed.
I... I don't even, japan. What.
I'm sure there's other things to put your textures team to work on, other than unique panties.
^ Focus on where people will look at most...
Evidently, their user experience eye-tracking studies have shown the designers where to focus their efforts most.

Although I have a feeling that these tests were done with Japanese people.  Don't know if they'll do a US test for the US market.
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