Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Plugin] XrossMediaBar Item Hider 1.3 (RELEASED)
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XrossMediaBar Item Hider 1.3 will let users remove / hide certain items in the XMB menu on the PSP.

Quote:plugin for hiding XMB™ items.

- Unite SignUp And Account Management, because of bug.
- Fixed bug in hide Memory Stick`s and Memory Stick Savedata after exit of sleep mode.

- PSP Slim&Lite 2008 (5.00/5.02/5.50)
- PSP Slim&Lite 3008 Brite (5.03/6.20)
- PSPgo N1008 (6.60)
- PSP 1008 (5.00)

XrossMediaBar Item Hider 1.3

Original Source
Would be useful for the "Network Update" and the "Format Memory Stick" icons. You never know when you have small children. That is, if the plugin works correctly... I remember that many similar plugins had various issues.
Nice,but..how to use this?
Like any other plugin. Edit the X:\seplugins\vsh.txt file, add:
ms0:/seplugins/whatchamacallitppluginname.prx 1

(the 1 at the end enables it, or you could enable it from the Recovery Menu)

The settings file is called "xmbih.ini". Restart the PSP or the VSH and you're good to go.
i know,but how to lunch this prx from xmb?..any combination button?

Quote:To hide unwanted icons or an entire category wee have to modify the xmbih.ini (included in the download) taking into account that 0 equals Hide and No 1 is equal to hide, for example, let’s hide all category
Now its works fine ;)
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