Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Rco edit(positioning icons) Assistance.
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Hello, i would like to know under what category do i go to, to reposition icons for like the ones in the pics. I know you have to look under the "page data" tab but im unsure which one of the headers to edit. i know how to position them on the xmb from this thread http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...p?tid=4541
But i don't know which section to edit
This was the topmenu(pretty easy)[Image: capturety.jpg]

But the other rcos have lots more stuff in them. I would like to know how to reposition these:
[Image: pic0000s.png]Pictures
[Image: pic0002h.png]Sysconfig
[Image: pic0001ep.png]Music
Like place them anywhere on the screen.
The basetop is just for the main icons/sub-icons and it's text.

Those you want to move are sub-sub icons/text if am not mistaken.
They can be found in PAF.prx or VSHMAIN.prx /o/ i forgets.
hmmm, well if they are in the paf or vshmain what program do you suggest i use? i try to use some of the programs here, but no offence, they seem very outdated.
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