Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Homebrew] verGen 1.0 (RELEASED)
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[Image: verGen10.jpg]

verGen 1.0 createS version.txt for your PSP . This homebrew application right to Flash0 so be careful
when using verGen 1.0 for your PSP. Use at your own risk.

Quote:- Description: program for generating version.txt for any firmware.

- Credits:
*Yoti – frame func and first bin2fnt on delphi.
*neur0n – some flash fuc’s.
*flash_zero – testing.
*proteam – some defines and idea for custom font [procfw/Recovery/].
*cory1492 – wait buttons func’s.
*pspsdk dev’s – pspsdk and pspdebug lib src.

- This is program open source on GNU GPL v3. For more information, read gpl-v3.txt.
- For edit font use RomArtist.
- Warning: program can write in flash0.

verGen 1.0

Original Source
What's it for? I mean, wee could always connect through USB and edit with notepad, no?
Lol vergen = virgin XD
the PSP stopped being one ever since underground sites made their own firmwarez.
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