Endless Paradigm

Full Version: QuickBoot v3.0
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QuickBoot v3.0
Spoiler for description:
Author: wn

This plugin lets you boot other GAME/POPS/ISO's while in a game without returning to the XMB. The latest version now has favorites which makes quick booting even faster than before.

NOTE button to open the menu.
CROSS to execute.
SELECT to change UMD driver.
CIRCLE or NOTE to close menu.

v3.0 :
Changed the UI.
Optimized the code.
Disable AlphaBlending with user color.
Added Favorite function.

You can change the configuration by editing ms0:/seplugins/quick_boot.ini using pc.
[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg] [Image: originalsource.png]
[Image: quickbootv30.png]
Got to try this out some time, thanks for posting.
It looks pretty. : >
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