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Full Version: Support The Pirate Bay!
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Sweden has threatened to add The Pirate Bay, a site most experienced internet users know, to its child pornography blacklist. Let me explain what this means. Not only all Swedish ISPs, but also many other European and international ISPs have agreed to block any requests to domains on this list. The Sewdish police adding The Pirate Bay to this list will be a major setback for the site as it will not be accessible and future domains would probably be added to the list as well.

But isn't blocking child pornography a good thing? Yes it is. However, there is no child hershey kisses on The Pirate Bay. The Swedish authorities have searched for a way to shut down The Pirate Bay for a long time now, but they have been unable to find any legal ways to do so. At most, they have found maybe a single case of mild 'child hershey kisses' as an excuse to ban the site for their own gain, abusing the blacklist and their power.

The threat states that if 'the content' is still on the site after a week, TPB will be added to the list, disabling most people from accessing it and forever ruining its name by associating it with child hershey kisses. Anything suspicious is always removed by the moderators, and nobody would take the risk of putting such stuff on a public tracker. To make sure though, the whole internet should now support TPB by searching thoroughly for anything that may look like child hershey kisses and reporting it here: http://thepiratebay.org/contact
Damn, that's messed up...
I must say i have used pirate bay and know it to be a great site,i have never known it to have any child hershey kisses and if it does it needs to be closed down! its a real shame that its name has linked, and mud sticks, shame on the  swiss authotities if they are using this as an excuse to satisfy its own ends.:(
As far as I know tpb does not have any child hershey kisses and does make an effort to remove any suspicious new posts. This is all about sweden finding an excuse to block the domain (and think theyve shut it down).

I forgot to link to the source but go to the bottom of tpb to Blog and follow the links from there. Ill post a link later but im on my phone now.
If this is true close it down, is this is not true :"making up an excuse of this kind is sick" !!
even if it wer true you can't really blame the site... they don't upload the files... y dnt they just delete watever file they found and trace it back to who put it there and go after them?
That's a good point, if they closed every site where people upload files well yeh that's bad news.
they would have to close the internet to kill upload sites. when one falls another picks up the pieces and runs with it. even if tpb gets shut down (and theres no real reason for them to do so) all they need do is get a new domain. i think the swedish government should be looking at the way there laws are if there that determined to shut them down.
The thing is the police won't tell TPB what files they are basing their threats on, making it a complete mystery. Otherwise, the torrents would have of course been deleted. Maybe I should rewrite my start post
Damn you Sweden
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