Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dark Souls
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so how many people have played this game yet? i got it a couple of weeks ago and i have to say it does live up to it's reputation surrounding its difficulty. nice to finally play a game that isn't an FPS as well.
hmmmm think I was going to get it on account that people said it was kind of like monster hunter but I'm not quite sure about that.
Aspheric Wrote: [ -> ]hmmmm think I was going to get it on account that people said it was kind of like monster hunter but I'm not quite sure about that.

never played monster hunter but i will say this game's worth getting if you're into RPGs. the learning curve in it is pretty damn steep but it's so rewarding when you start to improve at it
I have played this game just one week ago and i found that this game has the complete fun.My friends recommend this game for playing but it is really amazing.
I got demon souls the other day, Think it's the game before dark souls.
never played it but want to. i might get a ps3 just for this game lol ( i do remember namco showing an interest in releasing a pc version which i definitely would buy if they make it.)
The chances of it coming to PC are more likely than you think. There was a poll and it's already raised over 80,000 signatures.

Have you signed it yet?

eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]The chances of it coming to PC are more likely than you think. There was a poll and it's already raised over 80,000 signatures.

Have you signed it yet?


just signed it, thanks. Specky
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