Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Random sickness 2
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Ok so it happened again... I was fine then... wham. I couldn't drink water this time...

I do feel better now... I had to end up being suicidal with the water. It worked then
Who would've thought being suicidal brought you back to life!

At least you sound like you're recovering - get better.
I was hoping it wouldbnt have happened again... and what I meant by suicidial with the water was I was trying to force myself to drink it
I happen to be quite sick now as well :\
most of it was that happening... i felt abit tired afterward

and Ekuso. many of the people at my work today didnt show because they were sick too

ugh. damn them.
Random sickness = Signs of Aging.
I felt sick when I just played Just Cause 1 :/
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